Helm Handbook (🚧Continuous Update)

Helm is the package manager for Kubernetes. We can download it from here

Take the public repository portainer/k8s as an example

1. Render the helm chart locally

Open the terminal under the path github.com/portainer/k8s/charts

helm template portainer/

# Render the chart with configurable argument
helm template portainer/ --set image.tag="2.6.0"
helm template portainer/ --set enterpriseEdition.enabled=true --set enterpriseEdition.image.tag="2.7.0"

2. Install helm chart

helm install --create-namespace -n portainer portainer portainer/portainer

3. Install helm chart with local repository

helm install --create-namespace -n portainer portainer-local portainer/ \ 
  --values portainer/values.yaml  

# with argument
helm install --set image.tag="2.6.0" --create-namespace \ 
  -n portainer portainer-2-6 portainer/ \ 
  --values portainer/values.yaml  

4. helm chart repo

# Add repo
helm repo add <repo_name> https://portainer.github.io/k8s/
helm repo update

# Remove repo
helm repo remove <repo_name>

5. Delete helm namespace

helm delete -n portainer portainer

6. List helm namespace

helm ls --all-namespaces

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