[Dokku] Command Cheatsheet
A quick reference guide for commonly used Dokku commands. 1. Create and list app # Create app dokku apps:create <app_name> # List app dokku apps:list 2. Set domains # Set app's domain dokku domains:set <app_name> app.example.com # Set global domain dokku domains:set-global example.com 3. Join app to a specific network # List all networks dokku network:list # Add an app to a specific network dokku network:set <app_name> initial-network <target_network> 4. Show the app’s configuration dokku config:show <app_name> 5. Manully restart an app dokku ps:rebuild <app_name> 6. Bind app container to all interface bind to all interfaces (, so the container can be accessed by external request. However, the host port will be randomly assigned. ...